2018 California Alfalfa & Forage Symposium
Soil Health and Fertility Workshop: Producing Healthy Forage Systems
Quick Summary
- 2018 Western Alfalfa & Forage Symposium November 27th - November 29th, 2018 | Reno, NV, sponsored by the The UC California Alfalfa & Forage Systems Workgroup & Cooperative Extension Services of AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY.
Schedule of Events
Day One - Tuesday, November 27th
6:30am-7:00pm Symposium and Exhibitor Registration
7:30pm CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST (workshop participants only)
Overview: Top-level forage production begins with the health of the soil and understanding soil fertility and nutrient management. Itโs well known that forages (especially legumes) contribute to healthy soils, but soils can still degrade in forage systems. This workshop reviews the principles of soil fertility and soil health and provide hands-on training for soil fertility management for forage crops. These crops include alfalfa, other legumes, and grass hay. The objective is to develop better skill sets to manage soils, cropping systems, and nutrients to maximize yields, quality, and soil health, and meet water quality regulations.
View Workshop Papers (PDF) & Videos
Cocktails and Hors D'oevures. Exhibits open.
Day Two - Wednesday, November 28th
8:00am Welcome and Announcements
Forage, Dairy Trends and Regulatory Issues
Moderator: Dan Putnam, Forage Specialist, University of California, Davis, CA
8:10am Western Dairy Trends Anja Raudabaugh, Western United Dairymen, Modesto, CA
8:35am Status of the Western Hay Markets Seth Hoyt, The Hoyt Report, Ione, CA
9:00am California Regulatory Trends Jim Houston, California Farm Bureau Federation, Sacramento, CA Video
9:25am California Groundwater Situation and Groundwater Sustainability Act Thomas Harter, Cooperative Extension Specialist, University of California, Davis, CA Video
9:50am DISCUSSION Video
Water Management and Productivity
Moderator: Shannon Mueller, UCCE Farm Advisor, Fresno County, CA
10:30am ET-based Irrigation of Alfalfa: Principles and Practical Implementations Daniele Zaccaria, Irrigation Specialist, University of California, Davis, CA Video
10:55am Opportunities for Automation of Surface Irrigation Khaled Bali, UC Cooperative Extension, Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier, CA Video - Presentation Video - Q&A Paper (PDF)
11:20 Opportunities for Management of Alfalfa under High Salinity Sharon Benes, California State University, Fresno, CA Video Paper (PDF)
11:45am DISCUSSION Video
- Jim Kunh Award: Presented by Rachael Long on behalf of CAFA
- California Alfalfa & Forage Association: Update on Activities Brandon Fawaz, Fawaz Farming, CAFA Board Member
Pest Management I
Moderator: Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, UCCE Farm Advisor, San Joaquin Co., Stockton, CA
1:30pm Fear No Weevil: How to Manage Weevils in Alfalfa Rachael Long, UCCE Farm Advisor, Woodland, CA Video Paper (PDF)
1:50pm Alfalfa Aphids, Caterpillars, Insecticides and IPM: What did we see in 2018 and Implications for 2019 Michael Rethwisch, UCCE Farm Advisor, Blythe, CA Video Paper (PDF)
2:10pm Importance of IPM Practices for Pesticide Resistance Management Ian Grettenberger, Extension Entomologist, University of California, Davis Video Paper (PDF)
2:30pm Management of Diseases and Nematodes in Alfalfa Don Miller, Plant Breeder, Alforex Seeds, Nampa, ID Video Paper (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Pest Management I Video
3:00pm BREAK
Pest Management II
Moderator: Lynn Sosnoskie, UCCE Farm Advisor, Merced, CA
3:30pm Managing Weeds in Organic and Conventional Seedling Alfalfa Mariano Galla, UCCE Farm Advisor, Orland, CA Paper (PDF)
3:50pm Tools of the Trade: Approaches for Weed Management in Established Alfalfa Tom Getts, UCCE Farm Advisor, Susanville, CA Video Paper (PDF)
4:10pm Poisonous Weeds have Problematic Impacts on Animals Larry Forero, UCCE Farm Advisor, Redding, CA Video Paper (PDF)
4:30pm Agronomic Practices and Impacts on Pest Management: Varieties, Cropping Systems Dan Putnam, Forage Specialist, University of California, Davis, CA Video Paper (PDF) Slides (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Pest Management II Video
5:30pm-7:00pm EXHIBITOR RECEPTION AND AUCTION BENEFITING CAFA AUCTION Hors Dโoeuvres and No-host Cocktails
DAY 3 - Thursday, November 29th
Exports, Environment, and Forage Quality
Moderator: Rachael Long, UCCE Farm Advisor, Woodland, CA
8:05am Hay Export Trends John Szczepanski, US Forage Export Council, Portland, OR Video Paper (PDF)
8:30am US Farm Bill, International Trade and Potential Impacts on Forage Crops Dan Sumner, Ag Issues Center, University of California, Davis, CA Video Paper (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Exports Video
8:55am Alfalfa & Wildlife โ Why is it important? Khara Strum, Audubon California, Sacramento, CA Video
9:30am Break
Alfalfa Quality & Genetics
Moderator: Charlie Brummer, University of California, Davis, CA
10:00am Recent Changes in California Dairy Ration Formulation Strategies that Impact the Future of Alfalfa Hay as a Dairy Feed Peter Robinson, Dairy Nutritionist, University of California, Davis, CA Video Paper (PDF)
10:25am Evolution of Laboratory Measurements โ Current and Future Opportunities Ralph Ward, Cumberland Valley Analytical Labs, Waynesboro, PA Video
10:50am Reduced Lignin Trait in Alfalfa Results from Multi-State Trials Kim Cassida, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI Video
11:15am Innovations in Alfalfa Genetics โ Presentations and Round Table Discussion University of California โ Charlie Brummer, Plant Sciences Department, University of California, Davis, CA; Dupont Pioneer โ Daniel Wiersma, Grimes, IA; Forage Genetics Intโl โ Jake Blauer, Nampa, ID; S&W Seed Company โ Mark Smith, Nampa, ID
Video - Presentations & Round Table Video - Discussion
12:15pm ADJOURN
The following CE credits have been approved. Please sign in/out of each session you attend to be eligible for credits. Sign in sheets will be provided in the meeting rooms of each qualifying session.
The following CE credits have been approved:
- Arizona: 4 hours
- Oregon: 3 hours
- Utah: 4 hours
- Montana: 3 hours
- California: 2 hours
- Washington: 2.5 hours
- Nevada: 4 hours
- Idaho: pending approval
Certified Crop Advisor
- Nutrient Management: 1.5 hours
- Soil & Water Management: 6 hours
- Integrated Pest Management: 2.5 hours
- Professional Development: 4 hours
- Sustainability: 0.5 hours